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  • Description based on Specified Commercial Transactions Law
distributor Cosmonet Co., Ltd.
Name of operations manager Akira Mikami
post code 〒604-8153
address 6th floor, Kyoto Miyuki Building, 689 Sasamachi, Karasuma-dori Shijo, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City
Customer inquiry desk 050-3092-4450
*Our head office telephone number will be disclosed without delay if you send a request to our email address.
email address info@gigako-esim.com
Selling price Price listed on the product introduction page
Payment method Credit card (VISA, JCB, Master, AMEX)
[Credit card payment]
Visa/Mastercard/JCB/American Express/Diners
・Payments can only be made in one lump sum.
・We will prepare the product after the card authentication is confirmed.
・Payment will be made at the time of order confirmation.
Charges other than product price Consumption tax (10% tax included)
Please note that if you connect to the Internet yourself or use our website, additional Internet connection fees and communication charges will be incurred.
Payment period Date specified by credit card at the time of application
Product delivery time After completing your purchase, if there are no defects in your application, we will issue it immediately.
*Issuance may be delayed due to system issues. Please note.
Issues will not be available from 22:00 on Tuesdays to 9:00 on Wednesdays every week due to system maintenance, and will be issued after 9:00 on Wednesdays.
Timing of start of service provision It can be used immediately after the customer completes the activation procedure.
Defective product/return We do not accept returns or exchanges of eSIMs.
Regarding cancellation after application Please note that once the application and payment have been completed, refunds and cancellations are not possible.
Regarding mid-term cancellation For monthly plans, cancellation procedures are required.
If you wish to cancel, please complete the procedure from My Page.
The contract will be canceled at the end of the month in which the procedure is completed. Communication is possible until the end of the month.
If you pay by credit card, there may be a discrepancy in the actual bill.
Please check with each card company as it varies depending on the card company.
home page https://gigako-esim.com