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The customer's information we collect is for the purpose of responding to inquiries and providing information to the customer, and will not be used for any other purpose. Please see the "Privacy Policy" for more details.

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Gigaco eSIM
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* For password confirmation) *Please register with at least 8 characters (30 characters or less) including uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers.

Gigako eSIM Terms of Use and Membership Terms

Gigako eSIM Terms of Use These Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as "these Terms") stipulate the terms of use of Gigako eSIM service (hereinafter referred to as "the Service") provided on this website by Cosmonet Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company"). All users of the Service (hereinafter referred to as "Users") shall use the Service in accordance with these Terms. Article 1 (Application) 1. These Terms shall apply to all relationships between Users and the Company regarding the use of the Service. 2. In addition to these Terms, the Company may stipulate various provisions (hereinafter referred to as "Individual Provisions"), such as rules for use, regarding the Service. These Individual Provisions shall constitute a part of the Terms, regardless of their name. 3. In the event that the provisions of these Terms conflict with the provisions of the Individual Provisions in the previous article, the provisions of the Individual Provisions shall take precedence unless otherwise specified in the Individual Provisions. Article 2 (User Registration) 1. The contract for receiving the Service from the Company shall be established when the applicant applies for the Service, the Company approves the application, and the prescribed procedures are completed. 2. The Company may not accept an application to use the Service in the following cases: ① When there is a deficiency or a false statement in the application (including cases where the application contains missing or false information) ② When there is a risk of using the Service illegally or in a manner that is clearly contrary to public order and good morals ③ When the Contract Applicant uses the Service in a manner that is likely to damage the credibility of the Company or the Service ④ When the Contract Applicant has neglected or is likely to neglect payment of fees or other debts ⑤ When it is discovered that the Contract Applicant has violated these Terms of Use in the past or is currently violating them ⑥ When, at the time of application for a contract, the Contract Applicant specifies a credit card that cannot be legitimately used as a means of payment ⑦ When it is discovered that the Contract Applicant is a member of or has ties to anti-social forces ⑧ When it is otherwise determined that there is a significant impediment to the performance of the Company's business 3. If the Company rejects an application pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Company will notify the Applicant of this fact, but will not provide any notice of the reason therefor. 4. If the details provided at the time of application for the service contract are false, or if the contact information provided, such as the telephone number or email address, does not allow direct contact with the contractor, this contract will be invalid. 5. To use this service, an eSIM-compatible model is required. Even if a compatible model is listed on our website, we cannot guarantee its operation. Even if a model is listed as compatible, it may not be compatible with eSIM depending on the country in which it is sold. In addition, since this service depends on the performance and condition of the model, it may not be available even if the model is compatible. In any case, we will not refund or bear any damages caused by the above, such as the inability to install a profile or the inability to communicate. Article 3 (Usage fees and payment method) 1. The user shall pay the usage fee separately determined by our company and displayed on this website by the method specified by our company. 2. During the usage period, usage fees will be incurred regardless of whether or not actual communication is performed. In addition, our company does not guarantee any damages caused by the inability to connect to communication. 3. The monthly eSIM usage fee will be automatically charged every month on the date of purchase. Please check the purchase date on My Page for the next scheduled payment date. 4. The payment methods for the service fee are as follows. ① Credit card (VISA, Mastercard, JCB, American Express, Diners Club) ② Amazon pay ③ Electronic money (store application only) Transportation electronic money (kitaca, Suica, PASMO, talca, manaca, ICOCA, SUGOCA, nimoca, Hayakaken) Distribution electronic money (Rakuten Edy, WAON, nanaco) Credit card electronic money (iD, QUICPay) ④ QR code payment (store application only) (PayPay, d-payment, auPAY, merpay, WeChatPay, Alipay) ⑤ Cash (store application only) Article 4 (Communication speed) 1. The communication speed displayed on the web page is a best effort and is not a guaranteed communication speed. 2. Depending on the usage environment such as the location and time of use, the communication speed may be reduced, such as videos not playing smoothly or web pages displaying slowly. 3. If a large amount of data communication has been made in a short period of time or if the telecommunications carrier determines that communication is deemed illegal, communication restrictions may be implemented. The Company shall not bear any damages suffered by the User or third parties as a result of this. Article 5 (Suspension, etc. of the provision of the Service and Cancellation) 1. The provision of user information may be made a condition for changes to the contract contents or cancellation applications. 2. In addition to cases stipulated in the specifications of the Service, the Company may suspend the use of the relevant Service if the Subscriber falls under any of the following: ① When the fee for the relevant Service is not paid even after the due date (including when payment is not made by the method specified by our company, and when payment is made after the due date and our company cannot confirm the fact of payment) ② When the subscriber loses membership of the credit card registered by the subscriber, when the expiration date of the credit card has expired, when the credit card limit has been exceeded, or when it is found that the credit card company (including the credit card payment agent) cannot accept payment of the fee for any other reason ③ When it is found that the content of the application for a service that requires application is contrary to the facts 3. In principle, when our company suspends the use of this service pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, we will not notify the subscriber in particular. However, if the method of notifying the subscriber is known to our company through user registration, we may notify the subscriber. 4. If the payment of the fee for the service is not completed, the service will be automatically terminated at the end of the month of the date of the failed payment. 5. After automatic termination, you will need to apply again and activate the service again. In any case, you cannot restore your profile after termination. 6. Even if the use is suspended or terminated based on this article, the service fee may still be charged. 7. If you wish to cancel, you must complete the procedure from My Page yourself. Article 6 (Refund) 1. In the case of suspension of use due to violation of the terms and conditions set by our company, we will not compensate for damages incurred as a result, nor will we refund all or part of the service fee already paid. 2. Refunds will not be made even in the case of suspension of provision of the service or termination due to a technical error by the website or the settlement agency. 3. Refunds will not be made even if the user is unable to use or does not use the service due to the user's convenience, regardless of whether after application for use of the service or before or after the start of use. Article 7 (Method of Notification) 1. The user shall specify an email account for our company to notify and contact the user. 2. The sending of emails from our company to the said email account shall be a declaration of intention or a conveyance of facts from our company to the contractor. 3. The method of notification from the Company to the User regarding the Terms of Use of the Service and matters related to the Service shall be in writing, by email (Short Mail Service, etc.), by posting on the website operated by the Company, or by other methods designated by the Company. 4. Notification or communication between the User and the Company shall be made in the manner specified by the Company. The Company shall notify or contact the User via the currently registered contact information, assuming that the contact information is valid, unless the User notifies the Company of a change in accordance with the method separately specified by the Company, and shall assume that such notification or communication has reached the User at the time of sending. Article 8 (Usage Fee) 1. The usage fee shall be calculated based on the amount specified on the Company's webpage. 2. The usage fee for the Service may change due to market trends, etc. In such cases, the User shall be notified as specified in Article 7 (Method of Notification). Article 9 (Service Content) 1. For short-term plans, the purchase date is counted as the first day, and the plan days will start counting from the third day regardless of whether the User is connected or not. 2. For monthly plans, the date of purchase is counted as the starting date, and payment is automatically made on the starting date of each month. 3. The monthly plan is provided with the amount of data traffic set by the plan on the 1st of each month, and any unused data traffic during the month will be valid until the end of the following month. 4. If the amount of data traffic is exceeded, the communication speed will be limited to a maximum of 200 kbps. You can also remove the communication speed limit by purchasing additional data traffic. 5. If you change your model or initialize your device while using the monthly plan, you will need to issue a profile again and activate it. Since you cannot set a profile once it has been used, you will need to apply for a new one and activate it again. Since it is necessary to stop the billing of the monthly plan you have been using, please contact our support center. If you do not contact us, automatic billing will continue. 6. If you change your model or initialize your device while using a short-term or long-term plan, you will need to purchase a new plan. We will not compensate for any damages caused by this or refund any paid service fees. Article 10 (Changes to the Terms) We may change these Terms without notifying users by posting them on our website. Article 11 (Support Center) We cannot accept cancellations after application. If you have any questions about the service, contract cancellation, fees, etc., please contact the support center below (Weekdays: 10:00-12:30 13:30-17:00 For details of business days, please check our website). Support Center TEL: 050-3092-4450 Email address info@gigako-esim.com End of Gigako eSIM Membership Terms and Conditions Article 1 (Application of Membership Terms and Conditions) Our company has established these terms and conditions with Gigako eSIM service users, and member information will be handled in accordance with these terms and conditions. In addition, any regulations notified by our company from time to time will also constitute part of these terms and conditions. Article 2 (Changes to Terms and Conditions) Our company may change these terms and conditions at any time without notifying users by posting them on our website if it deems necessary. In addition, if users start using this service after these terms and conditions have been changed, they will be deemed to have agreed to the changed terms and conditions. Article 3 (Management of User ID and Password) 1. Users shall manage their user ID and password for this service at their own responsibility. 2. Users may not transfer or lend their user ID and password to a third party or share them with a third party under any circumstances. If a third party logs in using a user ID and password that matches the registered information, the Company shall consider that the user who registered the user ID used the service. 3. The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused by a third party using the user ID and password, except in cases of willful or gross negligence on the part of the Company. Article 4 (Changes to User's Name and Name, etc.) 1. If there are any changes to the User's name, name, address, telephone number, email address, etc., the User must promptly make the changes from My Page. 2. The Company shall not be liable for any delays or failures in notifications, contacts, documents, etc. from the Company to the User due to failure to make the changes as provided for in the preceding paragraph. Article 5 (Intellectual Property Rights) The copyrights or other intellectual property rights of the product photos and other content (hereinafter referred to as "Content") provided by this Service belong to the legitimate rights holders, such as the Company and the content providers, and the User may not copy, reprint, modify, or use them in any other secondary way without permission. Article 6 (Handling of Personal Information) We will handle personal information obtained through the use of this service appropriately in accordance with our "Privacy Policy". Article 7 (Prohibition of Transfer of Rights and Obligations) Users may not transfer or pledge to a third party their status under the service contract or their rights or obligations under these terms and conditions without our prior written consent. Article 8 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction) 1. Japanese law shall govern the interpretation of these terms and conditions. The application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply to this service. 2. In the event of a dispute regarding this service, the Tokyo District Court of our company shall be the exclusive court of first instance. Supplementary Provision These terms and conditions shall come into effect on April 1, 2024.